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Four Stories

Here are four stories that I'll use to get started. I encourage my family to add their comments on the stories. Add ideas for direction, plot lines, characters. Let's see where these go...
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The Andromedans

  Fast Radio Bursts (FRB's), or Lorimer Bursts, were first discovered in 2007 and occur sporadically throughout the universe.  Thirty years ago, we stumbled across an incredible event. Within a single minute, over one hundred fast radio bursts were recorded among four solar systems in the Andromeda Galaxy. Five minutes after recording the one hundred plus FRB's, the equivalent energy of all those FRB's occurred again... on the opposite side of the Andromeda Galaxy. Andromeda was at war on a galactic scale and those FRB's marked massive military space vessels jumping to faster than light speed and then again on arrival at their destination dropping out of faster than light speed.  Every available telescope was immediately dedicated to observing everything we could from those five solar systems. Over the next ten years, we gained tremendous knowledge about our cosmic neighbors and more advanced telescopes opened our eyes to a galactic organization of trade and travel rout

Playing the Market

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The Rush to Mars

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Growing Up Small Town Alabama in the 1970's

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